After finishing my studies at the Eastman School of Music in May of 2015, I composed this piece drawing on my new career direction towards film scoring. The electronic track’s orchestration sounds like a Hollywood movie’s action sequence, and this piece is essentially the marimba’s ‘blockbuster hit’. With limited written dynamic control, the performers are encouraged to not only be free in their interpretation, but also let the electronic track guide them in their performance on the piece. Nevertheless, this piece at is core only has one goal: to be EPIC.
Ascension (2016) - Marimba Duet and Electronics
Difficulty: Collegiate/Professional
Performance Time: Approx. 9 min
*Technology Requirements: Audio Interface with multiple stereo outputs (click track for players, and performance track).
Suggested Mallets:
3 Michael Burritt 8
1 Michael Burritt 5
Playback: The ideal performance would be to use in-house audio system in performance venue, as to immerse the audience into the track.